and the Jokers
French Pete Atkin tribute band"
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Are IC and the Jokers?
& The Jokers - formerly known as Les Beaux Changeurs
- are based in Paris, France and are a sister band to The
Beautiful Changers. The band is a French tribute band to
Pete Atkin, taking its name from
the Pete Atkin & Clive James song I See The Joker.
The band consists of the following members:
- Ian
Chippett (the eponymous IC) - guitar, bass, retired
- Tom
Landon - keyboards, vocals
- Alain
Dennilauler - guitar, bass
- Evelyne
Dennilauler - drums
- Oliver
Ash - drums
the Beautiful Changers were forming, they realised that they
needed a drummer and Oliver Ash, Paris-based property developer,
cricketer and Guinness drinker offered his services. Unlike the
other Changers, Oliver had actually had some real musical experience
and admits to having been pursued by deranged teenies. As it would
have been difficult for him to get to rehearsals in the old country,
Ian Chippett offered to put him in touch with a musical pal
of his Tom Landon who had his own band and a decent studio
where they could put Olly through his paces. When Oliver was later
heartlessly ejected from the Changers like a latterday Pete Best
[It's a lie, I tell 'ee! - Ed.], the band kept going, adopting their
present name in an attempt to prevent confusion with their British
photos of members of IC & The Jokers - click on the pictures
to see a bigger version
All photos copyright © Golden Haze Productions
On behalf of the owners of the copyright
Alain Dennilauler
in action on the Gibson SG (unless I'm mistaken) |
Evelyne Dennilauler
ready to give the skins a good thumpin'! |
Ian and Olly get in some practice - well, drinking practice,
(L-R) visiting Beautiful Changers member Paul Gunningham;
Ian Chippett and Oliver Ash
At Ian and Olly's local Adnams pub before the Pete
Atkin gig in Paris, September 1999 (photo by Frankie)
Francis Cairns
on guitar - with some kids and curtains! |
Evelyne again!
well, why not? |
Tom Landon
plays the keyboards and sings while an admiring fan looks on
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& The Jokers' Discography
were kindly permitted to have a track (I See The Joker) included
on the Beautiful Changers first album For Pete's Sake!
which is considered by many (oh all right) by them to be the standout
track. Another track, a drunken late-night reworking of The Hypertension
Kid can be heard on the Web but fortunately no-one can remember
the URL. They are currently at work on a top secret recording project
(working title The Abasement Tapes) which may see the light
of day some time in the new millennium or the one after that. Four
tracks have been laid down (as we musos say) so far.
[Zider Ed's note: I understand from the band that, like a good French
wine, their tracks benefit by being laid down for a long time before
being enjoyed].
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they ever played live?
first gig was on December 10 1999 at the Ecole Maternelle
Danton in Montreuil, a suburb just outside Paris.
In fact, it was IC and a Joker who performed as
the others were unavailable. IC played acoustic guitar
and Tom Landon sang on My Egoist as well as a number
of original songs. As an encore Tom played one of his compositions
called Les Champignons [Not to be confused by the well-known
French rock anthem Nous Sommes Les Champignons - Ed.] and
accompanied himself on keyboards while IC attended to a
bleeding finger caused by a too-violent assault on the strings
on their closing song. They immediately followed up this gig with
a session later in the evening in Tom's local bar whither many
of the audience had wisely fled.
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to IC & The Jokers
you can hear for yourselves what IC & The Jokers sound
like! All sounds will require an mp3 player (such as WinAmp)
to play them.
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& The Jokers Links
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