Beautiful Changers
Pete Atkin tribute band!"
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photos of the Beautiful Changers in action - click on the pictures
to see a bigger version
for Pete Atkin "Field of Dreams" gig, 16 July 1999 (FoD
"I'm sure there was a drummer here earlier!"
Some of the band: (L-R) Paul Gunningham (guitar), Roy
Brown (Bass, bending down),
Richard Corfield (electric guitar), Leslie Moss
(keyboard) |
that's enough of us to be going on with!"
L-R: Corfield, Sorensen, Gunningham, Denton, Coulson, Brown,
Moss, Muldal
The Changers get some badly-needed practice in before
the pubs open |
blubber here and there, but...!"
Some of the band: (L-R) Paul Gunningham (guitar), Ian
Sorensen (keyboard),
Richard Corfield (electric guitar), Roy Brown
(Bass), Leslie Moss (keyboard)
on lads - the pub's been open twenty minutes!"
Ben Coulson (star vocalist) gets an audience-ear view
of the band during rehearsals.
If you look really closely, you can see his ear plugs...
Beautiful Changers at the Pete Atkin "Field of Dreams"
gig, 17 July 1999 (FoD 99)
spin, they grip, they whip away..." - they can't touch
you for it!
Lead vocalist Steve Birkill (centre right) tears into
Rain-Wheels during the band's first set.
Also visible (L-R) are Richard Corfield (electric guitar),
Paul Gunningham (acoustic guitar), Sylfest Muldal
(acoustic guitar), John Denton (drums), Roy Brown
(Bass guitar), Leslie Moss (keyboard) |
about Bird and Diz being tricky men for a drummer to sit in
Ben Coulson at the mic as the band open their second
set with Wristwatch For A Drummer.
L-R: Richard Corfield, Ian Sorensen, Paul Gunningham,
John Denton (drums, behind Paul), Ben Coulson,
Roy Brown, Leslie Moss. |
your tentative welcome with the paying customers..."
... well, we hope not, but just to prove that there was
an audience and we weren't all on stage!
Simon Reap (sound engineer) can be seen on the right
with the mixing and recording equipment. |
they crowd out the bars..."
...well, they will do as soon as the set's over!
Sylfest Muldal at the mic in an emotionally charged rendition
of the song the band was named after - The Beautiful Changes.
Last recorded as the title track of Julie Covington's
1970 album. |
have rather been reading the latest Bernieres..."
... personally, I don't believe a word of it! Carole Birkill
(centre, left) and Julia Daly (centre, right) give the
female perspective on what it must be like to be that Girl
On The Train sitting opposite the Gargoyle On A Drain.
See below for another pic. |
think it was me..."
Another shot of Carole and Julia singing Gargoyle
On A Drain.
You should know who the others in the picture are by now, but
if not, see the ones above. |
whole routine was just too #@%&*?! slow..."
...but we played it as fast as we could! Steve Birkill
imitates Val Doonican and risks the wrath of Clive
James by changing a single word during the American GI's
verse of No Dice. But what a word! |
"Beware of the Beautiful Changers..."
...I think that's what it sounded like, anyway. The band
at the end of their second set.
(L-R) Paul Gunningham, Richard Corfield, Steve
Birkill, Ben Coulson, Roy Brown, Sylfest
Muldal. |
Beautiful Changers with Pete Atkin - "Field of Dreams" gig, 17 July
1999 (FoD 99)
then lads - not too fast, please...!"
A dream comes true for the Beautiful Changers as Pete
Atkin (centre) invites the band on stage at the end of his
final set to accompany him on Rain-Wheels. Also pictured
are Paul Gunningham (left, with guitar) and Ben Coulson
(right, indicating that drinking time is running out fast).
Richard Corfield can be glimpsed behind Paul, and Ian
Sorensen has his back to Pete - how rude, Ian! |
Paul Gunningham (left) and Pete Atkin wait for
the off,
while Ian Sorensen checks how much beer he has left.
the rain falls warm..."
The band in action with Pete Atkin at last! (L-R) Paul
Gunningham (guitar), Ian Sorensen (keyboard), Pete
Atkin (vocal), Ben Coulson (mendoza), John Denton
(drums), Roy Brown (bass). |
"...and the winds don't chill..."
Same personnel as the previous picture, but this time, Richard
Corfield (guitar), Sylfest Muldal (guitar, with baseball
cap) and Leslie Moss (right, on keyboard) managed to
get in shot! |
for heroes"
Another shot of the band's supreme moment! |
"Well done, lads!"
Pete Atkin (centre) applauds the band's efforts as the
final A chord dies away. |
this space for more photos as they become available. More
photos of the Beautiful Changers' second rehearsal for the
Field of Dreams gig 6 June 1999, Long Hanborough, Oxon. on
the Pete Atkin
photos copyright © Golden Haze Productions
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